Lincoln Western Growth Corridor

Design for two mixed-use neighbourhoods as part of the overall masterplan for the Lincoln Western Growth Corridor, along with wider landscape proposals. The concept is based on the site’s land drainage and agricultural pattern and proposes a new network of ‘Long Acres’ oriented to provide views of Lincoln Cathedral.

The Long Acres are envisaged as neighbourhood spaces, creating an instant shared space for new residents whilst containing green infrastructure, swales, sustainable transport, play and shared allotments. Car parking is contained separately in open courts at the end of each mews.

In the first neighbourhood area, a local centre is included with a school, supermarket and facilities, alongside a mixed-age courtyard housing block. In the second neighbourhood, live-work buildings are incorporated into the same development pattern.

Clients: Lincoln City Council, Willmott Dixon

Status: Competition

Team: Matter Architecture, WSP, ADSDF