Gloucestershire Bridges

Acting as bridge architect within Mott MacDonald Sweco JV’s multi-disciplinary team, Matter developed initial architectural concept designs for a series of bridges proposed to cross the planned new section of A417 dual-carriageway. The initial concepts provide a range of options to stimulate further exploration and discussion with the wide range of stakeholders on the opportunities and benefits that the new bridges can create.

The highly sensitive location is within the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), close to Scheduled Monuments and Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), and is crossed by important public rights of way.

A series of over-bridges and under-bridges, including a 50m wide landscaped ‘green bridge’, provide a variety of crossings for walkers, riders, cyclists, local vehicle access and for wildlife and ecology. The proposals are intended to reduce impact on the natural and historic environment while providing improved connections and enjoyment for the widest range of people in the locality, as well as for users of the new highway.

Client: Highways England

Status: PCF Stage 2 concept design

Team: Mott MacDonald, Sweco JV, Matter Architecture